It's MaddieKixx's birthday week!
MaddieKixx's avatar


Can't be broken
275 Watchers270 Deviations


Sonic Underground (2020)


2049 deviations
Sonic Underground (2020)


133 deviations

Dream Girl {England x Reader}

“Take my hand, love. Onward to a better place.” London, England: The Great Plague. Year: 1665. The black-death epidemic was killing him. Though, not literally killing him. He had yet to be infected. For now, he was just so stressed, devastated, and worried to the point where his life felt like a living hell. And hell meant death. In other words, the bubonic plague- an incurable disease caused by bacteria- was slowly, painfully killing him in a different way than everyone else. He’d never felt more useless in his entire life. He tried so hard to protect them. He searched everywhere for an answer. But in the end, all he

Hetalia England

141 deviations
Best Friend

Hetalia Prussia

291 deviations

Bartender! Denmark X Reader-Alcoholic Heartbreaker

Tonight was just another typical night at Nordic Style- the club Matthias worked at- with the same loud music, same strobe lights and same massive crowds dancing (way too close) together. But perhaps what made tonight special was the (h/c), (e/c) girl dancing provocatively in the centre of the mass of people. Matthias wasn't stupid, he could see that she had caught many guys attention and oh- had she caught his~ Your dress was the perfect length, not so short that you were slutty and looked as though you had no self respect (unlike the many, many girls he had seen here before) but showing just enough to make any male in nearest mile to stop

Hetalia Denmark

140 deviations

Foul - Scotland

ℱoul ⇁scotland Oh, kiss me. Smoke swirled in air penetrating the pleasing palette of posies and petunias that you had been smelling, admiring. Putrid. It could only be one man. “Scotty boy.” You straightened your position from kneeling. “Don’t you have anybody else to harass? Or have you already driven everybody to suicide?” “Harsh words, lassie.” He spoke with his cigarette hanging between his lips, emerald green eyes twinkling with amusement. “Suiting for a harsh lass, aye?” He smirked as you came up to him and tugged his collar down to where you could frown at him

Hetalia Scotland

75 deviations

Dragon!Norway x Reader ~The Dragonheart~ 41

~Chapter 41~ From afar, the dragon hunters’ fortress looked nothing more than a humble shadow of a mountain with smoke rising from its high peaks. Now, however, the sheer size of the building was more intimidating than you had imagined. The sky was pitch black even though only a few minutes ago, the sky had been a bright white from the sun shining past the snowy clouds. Black and dark purple ashes were scattered everywhere, and a sickly sweet smelled filled the air as you and Emil approached the side entrance to the fortress. “I don’t like this place,” you whispered to your dragon as you clung onto his blanket like a

Hetalia Norway

108 deviations

Atta Girl: Dad!2p! America X Teen!Reader

 SMACK! One down, two to go., Al smiled murderously at the other two drunks that were still alive.  They stared at the red-eyed American in utter fear. "It's the devil! The devil has come to kill us!" They screamed like a bunch of idiots.  The chubbier one stumbled over the skinny one as they began to back up, resulting in both of them landing on their asses.  Al snickered, and spun the nailed bat between is his middle and pointer finger as he slowly advanced towards them. “I’m not the devil you dumbasses.  More like your worst nightmare.” He sneered.  With only two swings of his bat, both drunks were lying dead and bloodi

Hetalia America

149 deviations
Hetalia Speciale Spain

Hetalia Spain

84 deviations

Hetalia Germany

27 deviations

Hetalia Romano

82 deviations
Let It Snow... Nordics


59 deviations

Hetalia Romania

48 deviations
Bad Touch Trio

Bad Touch Awesome Trio

39 deviations

(2P Canada x Reader) Sunrise...

You and Matt had gone out to collect some of Francis' money for him[1] and... well let's just say things got a bit chaotic. You looked around at all the bodies on the floor, crippled and bloodied. It wasn't a sight that you weren't used to, being one of Matt's closest friends. It was only normal that at some point or another you would have to see a scene like this. Matt had sat down in a corner and pulled out a cigarette. "(y/n) you have my lighter don't you?" he had given you his lighter so you could burn some guys house down, Luciano, you think it was. "Ah, yeah. Here." you skipped over and passed him his lighter. He lit his cigarette a

Hetalia Canada

27 deviations

Hetalia Switzerland

10 deviations
my heart melted

DIV hetalia

137 deviations

Infatuation (Mikaze Ai x Reader)

Ai watched her lean her head back against the tree she sat under, tapping her pencil on the open notebook in her lap. He'd been watching her for a while, actually. He kept telling himself that she was the subject of a new experiment, but he couldn't help but question that; conducting research without recording any of the data? The thought seemed ridiculous. He  had  noted some things, to be fair. Like the way she took really deep breaths when she was tired, how she would almost throw her pen down and stretch her fingers when they cramped from too much writing, the way she'd wet her lips so subtly before taking her bottom lip in between her t

DIV Fiction

100 deviations
Chase and the Giant

Friends art

29 deviations
Kitara the wolfhound - Doggy Dance Party


42 deviations
Norway Magnet


28 deviations
Tending to My Heart


17 deviations
Balto Characters

Balto art

16 deviations
This is my father, Rapaz

Disney art

51 deviations

Marvel and DC

20 deviations
Mrs.Brisby Card commission

TV and Movies

79 deviations
Scar's Lion Guard

Lion King art

19 deviations
The Golden Cage

MLP art

20 deviations
2K3 Leo and Raph

TMNT art

28 deviations
Brothers' Conflict || Tsubaki and Azusa || Render2


12 deviations
Jeff the killer- Doodles

Creepy Pasta

25 deviations


44 deviations