
Taken (Viking Denmark x Reader) 11

Deviation Actions

MaddieKixx's avatar

Literature Text

Air.. the lack of air was wearing ____ down faster and faster with each passing second. The young queen, was dangling 6 inches off the ground, held up by the throat by a pair of big, filthy hands. Her arm were hanging limp at her sides and her vision was starting to fade, this is what Mathias had been trying to prevent.. this was why he had been out every day. To look for the man who wanted to cause ___ harm. Bjornir was smirking wickedly as he tightened his grip on the young woman's slender neck, earning a small gasp from her lips. The large man laughed loudly, a laugh that would make any wild beast cower away and hide. “This is rather nice.. to see the life slowly fade away from your eyes.” He growled as his face drew nearer. “Where is the spunky wench from the ship? Does she want to plea for mercy?” he asked, earning a sharp glare from the (e/c) queen. Plea for mercy? Her? She had never pleaded for anything in her whole life, and she was determined not to start anytime soon.  ____ gathered up all of her remaining strength and managed to deliver a strong kick where she knew it would hurt him the most. Bjornir groaned loudly and immediately let go of the young queen's throat before he fell to his knees, cupping his groin while spewing out all sorts of profanities .

____ fell do the ground with a loud thud, gasping and coughing as her lungs once again was filled with the very much needed air. But she didn't have time to sit around. Her vision still blurry, she stumbled back up on her feet and ran towards the room she shared with Mathias.. but just as she reached for the door, a heavy hand clasped her shoulder and squeezed it. “I won't let you escape.” A raspy voice whispered at the nape of her neck before her front was roughly pushed against the wooden door. “What am I going to do?” The (h/c) female asked herself as her eyes searched the big room for something.. anything that could help her. But it was all out of her reach. Where were all the slaves? Where was Astrid? Had Bjornir done something to her? All these thoughts swirled in the young female's head as rough hands started to wander around her body, she could hear and feel her offender's breath next to her ear. _____'s body stiffened and she shut her eyes tight, she wanted to scream for help... but her throat was too dry and all her words got stuck somewhere. Bjornir took notice of this and laughed loudly, making it feel like the walls were shaking. “So, the young queen has lost all her will to fight... how disappointing.” He murmured before he licked the shell of the (e/c) eyed girl's ear. She could feel his thick facial hair scratch against her skin and she almost gagged as his wet appendage touched her.

“Let go of me!” She shouted, not wanting to stand like this a moment longer. She started to wiggle and wrestle against the larger man's strong grasp in a furious attempt to get free, but the more she moved, the tighter his grip became. “That's it.. keep fighting.” Bjornir growled, one hand had ____'s arms pinned behind her back while the other roamed over her body as if he was searching for something. It was making ____ sick.

Not too far away, Mathias and his search party were still searching for Bjornir.. and they were getting very weary. “Mathias, we searched here already. He's not here.” Lukas stated matter of factly as he dismounted his horse. The king sighed heavily as he rubbed his neck, his men were tired and they hadn't even been close to finding the escaped man... it all seemed pretty hopeless right now. “Maybe he's not even on the island anymore.” Emil added before stretching his arms above his head and groaned. Mathias looked at his brothers over his shoulders, they all had bags under their eyes and he knew they must be both parched and starving.. yet they stuck with him through this. Tino rode up to the king's side and put a gentle, yet reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Mathias, we know you want to keep ___ safe, But I bet she's more worried about you than Bjornir right now. Let's go home.” Mathias looked at his younger brother and a ghost of a smile spread across his lips. He knew the others were right.. it was about time to head home. “Let's get back.” He said shortly before turning his horse around. As they trotted back home, the blue eyed male started to go through all the places they had been searching in his mind.. and then it hit him. They had searched everywhere, except one place. He narrowed his eyes and made the horse run, leaving his brothers behind. He could hear them shouting at him, but he had no time to waste.. ____ could be dying at this very moment. “If he hurt her.. I'll tear his guts out!” he growled to himself as he rode through the forest towards the village and the Big House. Every second was agony. What if Bjornir was there? What if he was already too late? He tried to shake those thought out of his head and replace them with images of ____ standing by the door, safe and with a warm smile on her face.

He lifted his head some when he finally had the village in sight, the sun was about to set and someone had lit the torches. However, the village was painfully quiet. He looked up towards the Big House and noticed that the torches had not been lit there yet, and the house was shrouded in darkness. Usually, the slaves would light the torches outside and there would be a small fire in the middle of the big room inside the house.. but there were nothing. No smoke coming out from the hole in the roof, no lights.. nothing. A hard lump formed in the young king's stomach as he feared his the worst case scenario had happened. That he would find his beloved lifeless on the floor in the Big House. He grit his teeth and urged the horse to run faster, through the village and up the hill towards the dark house. All the while praying to all the Gods he could think of for ___'s safety.  The ride up the small hill seemed to take forever, but as he got closer he could hear faint voices coming from inside the house. The blood froze in his veins as he recognized his wife's panicked voice. “Let go! I'm warning you!” Well.. maybe not panicked, but he could still tell she was in great distress. Mathias brought the horse to a sudden stop and jumped off before making a mad dash towards the house. He ran passed the unconscious slaves and the two men who were supposed to stand guard, straight inside only to find his beloved pressed up against the door leading to the bedchamber. Her slender arms were pinned behind her back and a very large man was about to undo her dress.  The king was overcome with anger as he reached for his sword. “Didn't I tell you to get your filthy hands off of her once already?!” he shouted, making Bjornir turn around to face him.

____ had her cheek pressed against the wooden door and she couldn't see much of anything, but her (e/c) eyes widened at the sound of Mathias' voice. Now, when she wasn't alone, she could finally let herself feel how scared she really was. Her body started to shake and her eyes welled up with tears. “Mathias..” She whispered, hoping it would reach his ears. Mathias heard her small, trembling voice and he tightened the grip on his sword to the point where his knuckles hurt. _____ was frightened, she didn't even cry when she was taken away on his ship back then.. so this was the first time he had seen her like this. He didn't like it one bit. Bjornir just chuckled darkly as he turned around, bringing ____ with him and placed her in front of him, facing the king. “Look here, the king has come to save you.” He murmured before biting down on the (h/c) female's ear. Mathias growled and grit his teeth together, his blue eyes traveled over ____'s body, searching for any kinds of injuries Bjornir might have caused her. The larger man noticed and laughed loudly. “Looking for this?” He asked before pulling on the queen's hair, making her tilt her head back and reveal the freshly formed bruises around her neck. The young king stood there in shock as he stared at the bruises that adorned his queens otherwise flawless skin. ____ lowered her head in shame as Bjornir let go of her hair. How she wanted this all to go away, her feet were getting weaker and weaker and if not for Bjornir holding her up, she would fall to the ground. Not much reminded Mathias of the strong willed queen he loved so dearly. His mind darkened as he slowly started to approach his enemy, his eye fixed on the larger man. “I'll have your head on a stake!” he growled as he raised his sword. There was a new darkness in the kings eyes, as if he was blind to everything around him... all he cared about now, was killing the one who had done his bride wrong. It was as if a dark thunderstorm were hanging over his head, that Odin himself had possessed him. _____ was involuntary pushed towards her raging husband as the larger man started to walk, he too had that thunderous look in his eyes. He was using the queen as his shield, but he was now loosening his grip on her for some reason. “Very well, I'll kill you first.. and then I'll have my way with her.” The larger man growled before roughly pushing the queen aside. She smashed into the nearest stone wall and slid down to the ground, to weak to move.

Mathias' eyes were narrowed and his mouth formed a vicious snarl, making him look like some kind of a beast from a story. Bjornir cackled as he took slow steps towards the king, keeping the sharp blade that were held firmly in the other's hand in his vision. He was large and strong, yes.. not stupid. The king had a weapon and he didn't.. it seemed like Mathias had the advantage. The two warriors circled each other, sizing each other up... one part the young king wanted to rush to _____'s side and get her out of there, but the other part held him back and urged him to fight. Bjornir was getting inpatient, and in a flash he had thrown himself towards the king, making them both tumble out the door and land outside. Mathias' sword was knocked out from his grasp and it was all down to brute strength between the two warriors.

They both got back up on their feet and didn't waste any time. They punched and kicked the other with all their strength, none of them even considering stopping until the other laid dead on the ground. Mathias had gotten a deep cut above his right eye, blood was seeping into his eye and somewhat blinding him. His entire body was aching and he didn't know how long he could actually keep fighting this giant of a man without his sword. But he refused to give up and kept punching Bjornir until he wad forcefully pushed away by the other. He groaned as he landed on his back a few feet away, he had no energy left, he couldn't get up. His chest rose and feel with each pant, the taste of blood in his mouth was so disgusting the thought he might throw up. Bjornir got to his feet and dried his bloody mouth with the back of his hand, what little could be seen of his face looked like one big bruise. He walked slowly towards the fallen king, a confident smirk on his face. “I expected more from you.. is this how you intend to protect your dearest queen? Flat on your back?” he asked mockingly before placing a heavy foot on Mathias' stomach, pressing it down. Mathias glared back up at the giant and tried to lift the foot away, but it was hopeless.. he wasn't strong enough. He couldn't win this fight. “Maybe I should drag the wench out here and skin her in front of your very eyes?” Bjornir growled as he pressed his foot down even more, earning a painful gasp from the young king. Images of his beloved____ in the hands of another man was enough to light a fire within Mathias, seeing her in any kinds of pain fueled that fire and gave him enough strength to push the heavy foot away and pounce on the larger man, knocking him to the ground.

The viking king was full of rage as tightened both his fists, looking down at the vicious person who dared cause harm to _____. His good senses were clouded and all he could feel now was a tremendous hatred for this man. His eyes now resembled that of a wild beast, never had he felt this strong urge to end someone's life before. In a flash his fists made brutal contact with Bjornir's face, hitting him time and time again.. not letting the other male move and inch. Mathias' knuckles were cracking up and the giant had long since stopped moving.. but the viking king didn't quite, he kept delivering one punch after the other.

______, who was still inside and unable to move, heard everything that went on outside. Her entire body was shaking in fear and everything hurt.. and all the while she kept wondering who would come in that door as a victor. She tried to cover her ears to shut out the painful sounds that came from outside the house, but it didn't work, she could still hear everything. After a while, something changed. She could still hear punches, and she could her a few silent grunts.. but it seemed so much calmer now. She swallowed hard before she managed to stumble up on shaking legs, waiting a few moments before she took the first stumbling steps towards the open door. Silent as a mouse, she walked to the door and peeked outside, searching for anything that looked like two men struggling. A gasp escaped her lips when her (e/c) eyes fell upon to silhouettes in the dark. One lying lifeless on the ground and the other on top still fighting. The still fighting warrior had his back facing her, but she knew who it was the moment she laid her eyes on him. Mathias. Mathias had won.. but why was he still fighting? It was over. The sound of his fists hitting the soft flesh sent shivers down the queen's spine, she didn't like this.. it was over, he had to stop.! Without a second thought, she ran outside towards her king. Once she reached him she fell to her knees, wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his back. “Enough! It's enough!” she shouted feeling his stiff body relax at the sound of her voice. His arms fell to his sides and he leaned into her body, letting her support him. Hearing her voice and feeling her arms around him snapped him out of his rage and lifted the dark veil from his eyes. “____, he won't hurt you anymore. No one will ever hurt you.. I promise. ” he muttered, earning a small smile from his queen. He turned himself around and embraced her, burying his face in the crook of her neck and taking in her scent. The (h/c) queen could feel her chest tighten as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill, all she could do was manage a small chuckle and a short nod.

After a short while, Lukas, Berwald, Tino and Emil arrived at the scene. They had set after their brother but were unable to catch up to him before now. The all dismounted their horses and ran towards their brother and the queen. Lukas, who had seemed worried at first, returned to his old self as he observed the scene in front of him. He heaved a exasperated sigh and shook his head “Look at the mess you've made you imbecile..” he muttered before turning on his heel to help Tino with the passed out slaves. Apparently, Bjornir had knocked them all out before killing the tow guards.. why he had spared the slaves was a mystery. Berwald and Emil helped both ____ and Mathias inside the house, laying the bruised viking king down on the bed before helping the two others outside.
_____ sat down next to her king on the edge of the bed and placed a wet rag on his forehead, trying to gently wash away the blood that stained his forehead. The king whined and complained like a child, but he was still happy nothing worse had happened to his love.

“Ow! Be careful! You don't have to bruise me up even more!” he exclaimed with a pout on his face, making _____ laugh heartily. “Don't be such a child, it's obvious that you don't need me to bruise you up.” she chuckled before moving to remove his filthy shirt, but Mathias grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her on top of him. Before she could say anything, he had cupped her face between his hands and stared deeply into her (e/c) eyes. “When I thought that I might lose you.. everything went dark. It was as if something else was controlling my actions and all I could think of was your safety.” he murmured as he rubbed small circles on her soft cheeks with his thumbs. “I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner.” he added and pressed his forehead against hers. ______ just closed her eyes and smiled “You came for me.. that's what counts in the end isn't it?” she asked, earning a small chuckle from her husband. He removed his right hand from her cheek and trailed his fingers down to her bruised neck, she flinched and hissed at the dull pain. The Viking king narrowed his eyes at her reaction and very slowly sat himself up, still holding on to his Queen. He took hold of her hair and gently tilted her head back, revealing even more of her injuries. “He did this to you..” he muttered before pressing his lips on her skin, smiling some when he heard her gasp. He continued to spread feathery kisses all over her neck, as if to erase what had been done to her.

_____ just closed her eyes, a soft smile on her lips. Bjornir was gone and everything could go back to normal. Right?
This is awful! probably the worst chapter I have written so far o0

I'm so sorry if it's messy and hardy to understand. It's probably loaded with all kinds of mistakes.
© 2014 - 2024 MaddieKixx
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CadetPerez's avatar

This story was so beautiful!! Cry forever